The day started early!! I had Stats class first thing in the morning, came back and played around with my niece and nephew, then later on went to celebrate my dad's birthday. It's an early celebration because his birthday is gonna be on the 14th Jan and since it's the middle of the week, it would be very hard to gather everyone together, so we just decided to celebrate it tonight. There are so many photos that could have defined the day but these two really stood out!
Just the other day, I was thinking that it had been awhile since Syara (my niece) asked me to play with a camera. Today, she asked me for the 'small camera', the point & shoot that my sister had been using. So I gave it to her and watched her took pictures of my sister, her cousin and random stuff that she deemed beautiful. It was really funny to see her like that, the way she would instruct her 1 year old cousin to smile, not to go too fast so that she could capture him, etc, etc. When I plugged in the card to transfer some photos, I was expecting to see shots of Azfar's head getting cut off, his backside, just the face, etc, etc, but definitely not THIS!! It's cute, huh?? I was surprised that she managed to capture this. And oh, please ignore the red light thingie. That's what happened when she half-covered the flash with her fingers. I first thought of editing the photo to take away the red light thingy, but this was how it happened and I don't think I'm gonna edit it out.. :)

And here's my second photo of the day. This is the place where we went to have my dad's birthday dinner. Mum insisted on coming here and we had no idea why at first, until it was the time to go and Dad told us that it was the first place that my parents went for a date. She would come over to KL from her hometown and would leave my very young uncle with her eldest sister and go on a date with Dad. Sweet! So glad that we could share this moment together as a family.. :)