Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Day 41 - The Setting Sun

Normally, if I open the windows in my room in the morning, it would already be closed by my mum or my sister by the time I came back from work. Today, just for the fun of it (or actually the laziness in me.. LOL!) I decided to let it open until about 630pm. And I'm glad of it cos I got to take this photo! I know for some people, this is just a so and so shot, but I love it and that is all that matters... :)

And oh, good news! I'm just about to finish paying for my camera. Yay!! When I bought it last March, my dad paid for it, partly as early birthday present to me. (My birthday is not until September, so that's how early it is...) Anyway, since it's only partly a present, I have to pay my dad the rest of the money so I had been doing that religiously since then. A couple of nights ago, I felt compelled to ask my dad how much do I still owe him and surprisingly, he said that this is the last month for me to pay, then I'm done. Yay!! :D

Monday, February 9, 2009

Day 40 - First Try at Hybrid!

Can you believe it? I finally did something that is hybrid, thanks to the Random Hybrid challenges at SSD. Well, it's just a small and simple card but I'm already looking forward to do more. :D

Day 39 - Being Silly

We went out last night to Domino's, to celebrate my SIL's birthday. We normally went to some very expensive restaurants for our birthday dinners last year but this year, we're trying to change things around, so we went to normal eatery instead. Oh well, it's still good and it's the company that counts. And as usual, my full attention is on Syara and Azfar. Love taking their photos!! Anyway, instead of showing off their usual cute photos, let's see some of their silly ones.

She was rolling her eyes this time. Glad I captured it. I can even imagine the layout I can do with this photo already.. :D

Azfar with soup dribbling down his chin. He just threw up all over himself before we had dinner and was all smiles during dinner. So funny...

Day 38 - Photoshoot at Putrajaya

Me, my sisters, our nephew and my sister's friend went to Putrajaya on Saturday to attend my sister's friend's daughter's birthday party. It was fun! The food was good, the company even better and Azfar was a bit fussy at first but he ended up having a good mood throughout the party. Well, mostly. Five o'clock came around and we made our move to a park nearby. I had already told my sister that I wanted to have a photoshoot, so that's what we're gonna. Part of my new 'improving-my-photography-skills' list is to have some kind of photoshoot or other during weekend, so here's the first one. Overall, I'm really happy with how the photos turned out. I'm still learning to work with the camera and totally looking forward to learn. I can't wait until next week! Hopefully we can go bike-riding or something cool like that...

Here are some of my favourite photos...

Day 31 - Day 37

Day 31 - Why a photo of potatoes of all things? My mom is back home from our hometown last night, so that means good food, which makes my brother soooo darn happy. Mom cooked yummylicious chicken kurma for us today!

Day 32 - Mom bought head scarves for Syara from Kelantan. She had been looking high and low for them and only managed to get the ones that she likes there. See the green colored cloth in front of the laptop? That's the second piece of head scarf. Syara tried on the peach colored one first and when we asked her to try the green one, she refused, probably is the peach one is much nicer than the green, since it's embellished (for lack of better words) with flowers and such while the green one is just a plain one. This was she looked while playing dress up with dolls on stardoll.com. LOL!!
Day 33 - Bought a new lipstick a couple of days ago, along with the new shoes. Today is the first day I ever wore lipstick to work. Before this, I usually only wore lipgloss, so I felt a bit different. Good kind of different though.. :)

Day 34 - I don't know but I always felt like laughing when I saw these bottles in my bathroom cabinet. The first bottle says strawberry but since when does strawberry comes in blue? LOL!! I actually used an old bottle for that. It's supposed to be kiwi. And the second bottle says Peach but it's actually strawberry. The third bottle is the only correct one.. :)

Day 35 - Just some random photo of a light fixture I have in my room. This is the light that I used as my night light.
Day 36 - The theme for today is water cos there's no water in the whole university for a whole day. The students went crazy, thus cancellation of classes throughout the day. But I didn't bring my camera, so I took this shot when I came home instead. It's a tea mix that I'm drinking for energy. Love this stuff! I always bring it to the office and would sip some throughout the day but I didn't drink that much today since there's no water and it would be such a hassle if I have to go to the toilet and such.
Day 37 - I had been missing Yana, my good friend back in uni, and tonight I had the chance to chat with her through YM. We didn't really talk that long but it was good that we get the chance to do that. We talked about getting married. She told me she has this plan of getting engaged by this year and getting married next year. We talked about my plan of getting married on my birthday this year cos it's such a good number: 20092009. But of course since both of us did not have any candidate so to speak, there's a very slim chance of that becoming a reality. Unless by some twist of fate I meet someone who wants to get married fast! Any taker? *winks*

(Anyway, if you wonder why I took a photo of a Rubik's Cube today, it's because I have always associated the cube with Yana. She was the one who introduced me to the cube and got me hooked on it!)