Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Day 7 - Music = Soul

Here's a photo of my 'music player' playing one of the songs by an artist I'm currently listening to: Kate Voegele. Love her!! Anyway, one thing that I love about driving to work is the fact that I get to crank up the music in the car and sing my heart out, without anyone caring what I do and what I sound like. I guess that was why I didn't like it if anyone is in the car with me during that time. I usually use that 40 minutes as a me-time, to psych myself for what lies ahead. I'm using my cellphone as the music player cos radio sucks and I love being able to listen to what I want. I guess I never got around to burn a CD of my favourite music or something. :D


  1. Lovely shot.

    I love music in the car too, but my kids usually want Hannah Montana!

  2. Great idea and I know what you mean "singing in the car" (LOL) my son can't stand it when I sing.

  3. Nice phone! My DD and I always sing out loud in the car.

  4. great hptoto I got to google this artist, never heard of her before, and singing in the car is such a liberation yeah!!!!
